








  • 粒といっても、原子や分子レベルの大きさです。


  • 緑色に見えるオーロラは、100~200kmの高さで酸素による発光です。
  • 紫色のオーロラは、100km以下の高さで窒素による発光です。
  • オーロラの色は、オーロラの規模によっても変わってくるようです。


  • 2018年3月9日、Ice Camp Skate

180309-N-LY160-341 Ice Camp Skate (March 9, 2018) Aurora borealis is displayed above Ice Camp Skate during Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2018. ICEX is a five-week exercise that allows the U.S. Navy to assess its operational readiness in the Arctic, increase experience in the region, advance understanding of the Arctic environment and continue to develop relationships with other services, allies and partner organizations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication 2nd Class Micheal H. Lee/Released)

図1 オーロラ(その1)

出典:US NAVY(米国海軍)のWebサイト<Home > RESOURCES > Photo Gallery>からの画像


  • 2016年3月10日、Ice Camp Sargo
  • 赤い夕焼け(というかどうかわ分かりませんが)、青い夜空、オーロラの緑色の空とがきれいです。

160309-N-ZZ999-006 ARCTIC CIRCLE (March 10, 2016) – The aurora borealis appears over Ice Camp Sargo as the sun sets during Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2016. ICEX 2016 is a five-week exercise designed to research, test, and evaluate operational capabilities in the region. ICEX 2016 allows the U.S. Navy to assess operational readiness in the Arctic, increase experience in the region, advance understanding of the Arctic Environment, and develop partnerships and collaborative efforts. (U.S. Navy photo by Electronics Technician 2nd Class Nate Madlem/Released)

図1 オーロラ(その2)

出典:US NAVY(米国海軍)のWebサイト<Home > RESOURCES > Photo Gallery>からの画像





  • 2024年3月3日、HMS Prince of Wales飛行甲板情報F-35BライトニングIIです。
  • F-35BライトニングIIが、甲板上にしっかりと固定されている様子が分かります。
  • HMS:His (Her) Majesty’s Ship、国王(女王)陛下の船

Title:NATO Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 Filename:MRM-20240303-0101-PWLS26-0148.jpg File Date:2024/3/3 Caption:Pictured: F-35B lightning jets flight deck of Prince of Wales under the northern lights. On 3rd March sailors on HMS Prince of Wales lucky enough to be keeping watch on the bridge, or able to get out on the flight deck, were treated to a stunning display of Aurora Borealis, with pink and green colours lighting up the sky, silhouetting jets, and helicopters on the flight deck. The carrier is off the coast of Norway taking part in Exercise Steadfast Defender. Exercise Steadfast Defender will be the largest NATO Exercise in decades. NATO will demonstrate the employment of forces across multiple regions and in multiple domains (maritime, land, air, space and cyber). The vast scale of this exercise will occur over several months and over thousands of kilometres and will involve tens-of-thousands of Allied troops from almost every NATO Ally. In addition, a variety of national training manoeuvres will be integrated into the overall exercise concept. CSG participation in STDE24 is a demonstration of the UK’s capabilities and ability to deploy and operate in the harshest of environments and our commitment to NATO’s objectives to defend allied territory and deter adversaries.

図2 F-35BライトニングIIとオーロラ(その1)




  • オーロラの色は、高さによって違ってくるそうです。

Title:NATO Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 Filename:FLEET-20240303-XE0138-020.jpg File Date:2024/3/3 Caption:Pictured: F-35B lightning jets flight deck of Prince of Wales under the northern lights. On 3rd March sailors on HMS Prince of Wales lucky enough to be keeping watch on the bridge, or able to get out on the flight deck, were treated to a stunning display of Aurora Borealis, with pink and green colours lighting up the sky, silhouetting jets, and helicopters on the flight deck. The carrier is off the coast of Norway taking part in Exercise Steadfast Defender. Exercise Steadfast Defender will be the largest NATO Exercise in decades. NATO will demonstrate the employment of forces across multiple regions and in multiple domains (maritime, land, air, space and cyber). The vast scale of this exercise will occur over several months and over thousands of kilometres and will involve tens-of-thousands of Allied troops from almost every NATO Ally. In addition, a variety of national training manoeuvres will be integrated into the overall exercise concept. CSG participation in STDE24 is a demonstration of the UK’s capabilities and ability to deploy and operate in the harshest of environments and our commitment to NATO’s objectives to defend allied territory and deter adversaries.

図2 F-35BライトニングIIとオーロラ(その2)



  • オーロラの迫力を感じます。

Title:NATO Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 Filename:FLEET-20240303-XE0138-022.jpg File Date:2024/3/3 Caption: Pictured: F-35B lightning jets flight deck of Prince of Wales under the northern lights. On 3rd March sailors on HMS Prince of Wales lucky enough to be keeping watch on the bridge, or able to get out on the flight deck, were treated to a stunning display of Aurora Borealis, with pink and green colours lighting up the sky, silhouetting jets, and helicopters on the flight deck. The carrier is off the coast of Norway taking part in Exercise Steadfast Defender. Exercise Steadfast Defender will be the largest NATO Exercise in decades. NATO will demonstrate the employment of forces across multiple regions and in multiple domains (maritime, land, air, space and cyber). The vast scale of this exercise will occur over several months and over thousands of kilometres and will involve tens-of-thousands of Allied troops from almost every NATO Ally. In addition, a variety of national training manoeuvres will be integrated into the overall exercise concept. CSG participation in STDE24 is a demonstration of the UK’s capabilities and ability to deploy and operate in the harshest of environments and our commitment to NATO’s objectives to defend allied territory and deter adversaries.

図2 F-35BライトニングIIとオーロラ(その3)



  • 飛行甲板のスキージャンプ式の飛行甲板を確認できます。

Title:NATO Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 Filename:MRM-20240304-0101-PWLS26-0252.jpg File Date:2024/3/4 Caption: Pictured: F-35B lightning jets flight deck of Prince of Wales under the northern lights. On 3rd March sailors on HMS Prince of Wales lucky enough to be keeping watch on the bridge, or able to get out on the flight deck, were treated to a stunning display of Aurora Borealis, with pink and green colours lighting up the sky, silhouetting jets, and helicopters on the flight deck. The carrier is off the coast of Norway taking part in Exercise Steadfast Defender. Exercise Steadfast Defender will be the largest NATO Exercise in decades. NATO will demonstrate the employment of forces across multiple regions and in multiple domains (maritime, land, air, space and cyber). The vast scale of this exercise will occur over several months and over thousands of kilometres and will involve tens-of-thousands of Allied troops from almost every NATO Ally. In addition, a variety of national training manoeuvres will be integrated into the overall exercise concept. CSG participation in STDE24 is a demonstration of the UK’s capabilities and ability to deploy and operate in the harshest of environments and our commitment to NATO’s objectives to defend allied territory and deter adversaries.

図2 F-35BライトニングIIとオーロラ(その4)






  • 国立研究開発法人 情報通信研究機構 電磁波研究所 宇宙環境研究室が運営しています。
  • 国立研究開発法人 情報通信研究機構:NICT(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)




  • オーロラとは
  • 写真で見るオーロラ
    • まるで映画のタイムスリップ:F-35BライトニングII
  • オーロラの参考リンク