
C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練 航空機の技術
出典:NELLIS AFB(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像(加工しています)


  • 戦闘機や戦略爆撃機は、文字通り戦闘や爆撃に使用される軍用機です。
  • 輸送機は、空中給油だけでなく、物資等の輸送も行います。
  • 補給には、補給基地に運ぶ定期便のような場合、地上部隊の近くに物資等を直接運ぶ場合もあります。




ここでは、2023年3月にNellis Air Force Base(米国空軍)で行われた、実戦的な補給訓練について紹介します。

訓練名は、Operation Night King(オペレーション・ナイト・キング)、参加部隊は、以下の米国空軍の輸送部隊と米国陸軍の機甲部隊です。


  • C-130Jによる(基地の滑走路ではなく)道路や乾燥した固定の様なエリアへの離着陸
  • C-130Jから直接主力戦車M1A2エイブラムスへの給油

下図は、米国空軍の輸送機C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズと米国陸軍の主力戦車M1A2 Aエイブラムスです。

  • この訓練では、8両のM1A2エイブラムスに2両づつ燃料補給をしています。
  • C-130JとM1A2の大きさは、人と比べるとイメージしやすいと思います。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise U.S. Army Soldiers from the 1st Armored Division and U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 317th Airlift Wing refuel an M1A2 Abrams tank from a C-130J Super Hercules during Operation Night King in the California desert March 26, 2023. The 40th AS landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図1 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像



  • (基地の滑走路ではなく)道路や乾燥した固定の様なエリアへの離着陸
  • M1A2への燃料補給準備と撤収(給油作業以外のこと)
  • M1A2への燃料補給(十分な燃料をできるだけ短時間で)
  • 給油しながら燃料以外の物資の補給や地上部隊からの負傷者の収容


  • 輸送機からの直接給油を受けること
  • M1A2の機動を最小限にする補給エリアの選定
  • 準備・撤収を含めできるだけ短時間で給油を終えること


  • C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズが離着陸しやすいことと、M1A2の部隊として補給を受けやすいことのバランス




  • 米国空軍と米国陸軍の部隊が、お互いのミッション(任務)に慣れること
  • お互いの部隊や任務の枠を超えた戦術的なコミュニケーションの理解を深めること



  • M1A2エイブラムス8両への燃料補給
  • ロビンソン・燃料キット(the Robinson fuel kit)を使用して、同時に2両のM1A2に対し、C-130Jエンジン稼働状態で1時間以内で燃料補給




  • C-130Jの後方にあるのが、ロビンソン・燃料キット(the Robinson fuel kit)でしょうか?

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise A1M2 Abrams tanks wait to be refueled during Operation Night King in the California desert March 26, 2023. The 40th Airlift Squadron landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-1 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その1)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


  • M1A2は給油ポイントに向けて移動しているようです。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise U.S. Army Soldiers from the 1st Armored Division refuel an M1A2 Abrams tank from a C-130J Super Hercules during Operation Night King in the California desert March 26, 2023. The 40th Airlift Squadron landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-2 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その2)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


  • 戦車の車体上面までは、落ちれば危ない高さですし、足場も狭いので注意が必要です。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise A U.S. Army Soldier from the 1st Armored Division refuels an M1A2 Abrams tank from a C-130J Super Hercules in the California desert during Operation Night King March 26, 2023. The 40th Airlift Squadron landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-3 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その3)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


  • 燃料ホースが膨らんでいるので給油していることが分かります。
  • 足元が狭いことが分かります。
  • 給油の際は砲塔の位置も制約がありそうです。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise U.S. Army Soldiers from the 1st Armored Division refuel an M1A2 Abrams tank from a C-130J Super Hercules during Operation Night King in the California desert March 26, 2023. The 40th Airlift Squadron landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-4 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その4)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


  • この演習では、1時間で2両の給油を完了しています。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise A1M2 Abrams tanks get refueled from a C-130J Super Hercules in the California desert during Operation Night King March 26, 2023. The 40th Airlift Squadron landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-5 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その5)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


  • 日本国内のガソリンスタンドの給油ノズルと似た形状のようです。
  • 給油ホースを延長できる構造になっています。

40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Tristan Geray, 40th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, grabs the fuel hose of the C-130J Super Hercules during Operation Night King in the California desert March 26, 2023. The 40th AS landed at a dry lakebed during the exercise to refuel eight M1A2 Abrams tanks, two at a time, while using their Emergency Response Refueling Equipment Kit. Not only will this process aid in refueling a higher number of M1A2 tanks faster, but it also allows for multiple actions within a mission to be made at once. The C-130J aircrew will be able to download supplies and take on the wounded simultaneously as the refuel occurs, decreasing the operation times needed and allowing joint forces to get back into the fight at a rapid pace. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mercedes Porter)

図2-6 C-130Jスーパー・ハーキュリーズからM1A2エイブラムスへの給油訓練(その6)

出典:NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE(米国空軍)のWebサイトからの画像


この記事は、Nellis Air Force Base(米国空軍)のWebサイトの以下の記事を参考にしています。






  • 輸送機と戦車の合同訓練について
    • 訓練目的について考えてみる
    • 期待した訓練の成果(訓練目的)
  • 写真で見る輸送機C-130Jから主力戦車M1A2への給油訓練
  • 参考リンク